What happened?
This domain name has been suspended as ordered by ICANN under the Whois Accuracy Program. This program dictates that the contact details for the owner of a .org domain name needs to be verified and if verification doesn't succeed within 15 days, the domain name is suspended.
The verification for eurobitume.org regretfully didn't succeed within this 15 days timeframe.
I am the owner of this name, how can I fix this? You should have received a couple of emails asking to confirm that your e-mail address is indeed a working e-mail address.
The subject of those mails was either 'Verification .............' or 'Reminder verification ................'.
If you still have such an e-mail, you should be able to click on the link in it and your domain name (including website and e-mail) should start functioning again within less than 10 minutes. Just clicking on the link is sufficient, you don't have to enter a password or give any personal information. If you can't find any such e-mails, do have a look into your spam-folder to make sure these mails haven't ended up in there. If you still can't find the e-mail, then a new e-mail can be generated.
Click here to resend the e-mail.
Please contact your domain name registrar (ClearMedia NV) for more details on this.